Trangia Fuel Bottle 0.5 Litre

Trangia Fule Bottle 0.5 Litre
January Sale
£18.00 £15.15 SAVE £2.85

Part Code: F201

Trangia fuel bottle with safety valve - 0.5 litre.

Complement your Trangia Fuel Bottle 0.5 Litre with

  • 0.5L Fuel bottle with safety valve.
  • Trangia Safety Valve for safe transporting and use of meths. The valve has a screw top locking mechinism which when closed prevents the valve accidently opening whilst the fuel is being transported. Once the screw is opened meths can only flow out of the bottle if the top of the valve is depressed.
  • Designed specifically for the transportation of flammable fuels and tested by TÃœV to meet international standards
  • Weight: 0.115kg